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Where your present is connected to your future
Video by German Korb from Pexels

Is your path forward uncertain?

How do you find a more certain path to your future?

No matter at what point we are in our life’s journey, we all have a vision of how we would like our future to look. But that vision can be obscured if we can’t see a path forward. Daily life has gotten incredibly complex and increasingly we find ourselves having to make more decisions in shorter amounts of time—often making them with a short-term mindset. The problem is, in the long run, decisions made with short-term reasoning can have long-term unintended, and unwelcomed, consequences.


We often don’t take into consideration how our actions in the present can impact our future. We are constantly being inundated with over-hyped messages and images of what our lives are supposed to look like, making it seem that a path to a good life should be obvious. But is it?


The truth of the matter is that most of the messages are focused on consumerism. They are designed to separate us from our money, time, and focus which can rob us of much needed resources for our future. These messages have little to do with what makes us feel whole and fulfilled, and generally leave us feeling depleted of our most valuable resources.


The conventionally touted path is made to sound easy to traverse. You ‘just’ get a job. You ‘just’ get an education. You ‘just’ this and ‘just’ that and voila you are on the path to happily ever after. The problem with this advice is that it lacks critical thinking about just how difficult it can be to achieve those goals individually. The reality is when we buy into the illusion of happily ever after we end up paying with so much more than our money.

The first thing to realize is that your path is specific to you. You will likely not succeed in finding the life you seek if you try to follow a prescribed path or copy what someone else is doing. Not having a deep connection with the goals you are trying to accomplish can make it difficult to follow through. Your personal path is the one that keeps calling to you, but you ignore it because you can’t see a path forward due to obstacles you see in your way.


There is no straightforward path to well-being. The terrain is rugged and rife with obstacles, and much is out of your control. Life can be complicated and messy, but when you reach those beautiful vistas, you are inspired to keep moving forward.


Getting on a more certain path is as much about your mindset as it is about your journey. It is a path that you travel with confidence, knowing you can always find a way forward. A more certain path is one of freedom and self-determination where you prioritize a good quality of life over trying to fit into everchanging social standards that strip away your valuable resources instead of growing them.


To get on a more certain path, you need to take stock of your innate resources----like your skills, knowledge and experience, your support network, your community, etc.----and assess what you want out of life. â€‹â€‹To stay on a more certain path requires planning on how to develop and acquire new resources, assessing and managing risks, and continually developing strategies for when life doesn’t go according to plan. When you are on a more certain path, you don’t waste resources trying to fit into someone else’s vision for your future.


You can’t predict the future, so you have to accept uncertainty to some extent, but greater certainty comes from having answers to your most pressing concerns. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees, but by taking a broad view of where you are and where you want to go, you can plot a path forward that connects your present to your future.

Your personal path to a more certain future starts here.

Welcome to "A More Certain Path"! We welcome the opportunity to help you find a brighter path to your future. Sometimes you just need a point in the right direction. Other times you may need more assistance to identify your path forward. We thrive on helping people discover who they can be and help them plot a path and develop strategies to achieve that vision.


A More Certain Path offers goal planning and strategizing services to help you get on a more certain path in life. We are also an advice-only registered investment adviser and financial planning firm. Our services help people make the most of their resources, identify opportunities, and resolve challenges. We help our clients establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that clear obstacles from their path to well-being.


While financial planning serves as a foundation for our services, we believe true abundance comes from living a life of freedom, and that money is just one tool in your bag. We help you identify all your resources and deploy them in a manner that best serves your individual goals, values, and purpose in life. We also help you build strategies to keep you moving forward on your path when life doesn't go according to plan.


If you are feeling lost or not sure you are headed in a right direction for you, schedule a free initial consultation and get on a more certain path today so you can start walking with confidence into your future!

Walking the Dog

Get on
A More Certain Path

Schedule your FREE consultation
(by video or phone conference)

You shouldn’t have to leave the convenience
of where you are to get the guidance you need.

The cost of the advice you need shouldn't be based on
how much you make or how much you own.


- by video or phone conference

- by the hour or fixed fee

- one-time or on-going guidance


Full - $150 (60 to 75 min.) Mini - $75 (30 min.)

(payable in advance of session - Why?)

Let's figure out together:

  • What your more certain path looks like

  • Your objectives and challenges

  • What your resources and opportunities are for achieving your objectives and overcoming your challenges

  • How you can better manage your resources

  • How you can earn more income and/or reduce your expenses

  • How you can direct your resources to optimize their benefits

  • What financial independence looks like to you

  • What you want out of being financially independent

Planning &
Analysis Services

$800 - $10,000*

(depending on the scope and complexity of the plan)

Let's ascertain:

  • The health of your current financial position

  • An effective debt utilization strategy and pay off schedule

  • An effective strategy for funding and achieving your goals

  • What potential risks you face and a strategy to manage them

  • How much you need to save to become securely financially independent

  • What standard of living your assets can support

  • Which goal scenario has the best probability for success

  • How you can pass down assets to your next generation

*Plans are payable in 11 monthly installments

with a 50% deposit ($800 minimum)

Sole Practitioner &
Career Consulting


Let's work on your:


  • Business startup plan

  • Cash flow management

  • Time management

  • Profit and loss projections

  • Business owner retirement
    savings solutions

  • Business succession plan

  • Business operations effectiveness and efficiency

  • Risk management protocols

  • Small business tax planning


  • Job offer assessment

  • Employment search

  • Salary/advancement negotiation

  • Skills assessment

  • Work portfolio

  • Resources for skills building

  • Employer/employee relations

Ask us a question

(no solicitations please)

​One Galleria Blvd., Suite 1900

Metairie, Louisiana  70001

plan at a more certain path dot com

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A More Certain Path, LLC is a registered investment adviser domiciled in the State of Louisiana. A More Certain Path, LLC may only offer investment advisory services in the United States to residents of states and jurisdictions in which A More Certain Path, LLC is properly registered or exempted from registration. The presence of this web site on the Internet shall in no direct or indirect way be construed or interpreted as a solicitation to sell, or offer to sell, investment advisory services in jurisdictions not authorized. A More Certain Path, LLC is an Advice-Only firm. We do not sell any products or manage investment portfolios. Katrina J. Kourkoutis is a Certified Financial Planner®, an Accredited Financial Counselor®, and holds a Masters in Business Administration.

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